This is a project I work on for ICS 212, the objective of the project is to create a simple bank record manager with 5 functions:
1.Add a record
2.Print a record onto the console
3.Print all record onto the console
4.Delete a record
5.Modify a record
A record a is object that was provided by the professor, and we used a single linked list to manage the record. To add a record you will need to provide account number, name and address. One of the requirement for taking in an address is that it must also be able to take in a multi-line address. Every time a new record is added or deleted we must also sort the list of record by its account number. To print,delete or modify a specific record, you will need to provide a account number. The print all record function has to print out all the records in a sorted manner. When the program end, it will save all records to a text file, next time the program starts it will read the text file and add all record back on the list. We also create a testing plan to test for bugs for this program.
Here is a sample output from the console when the program is running:
uhx02:/home/c/chakhon/Project1% ./project1
Welcome to the record holding system.
To choose an option, enter a number corresponding to the fuction.
1: Add a new record in the database
2: Print information on a record
3: Print all records
4: Modify the address of a record
5: Delete an existing record
0: Exit
Add a new record in the database:
Enter the account number: 1234
Enter name of record holder: Chak Hon Lam
Enter address below:
5095 Likinki ST
APT A204
This is the summary I wrote after finishing the project:
The test went pretty smoothly, many test was passed as planned, other than checking on the inputs. I am not sure how to check if symbol were entered. And because symbol were entered it breaks the format of the program. Which means I have to start over and skip them. There are also some wording problem from my test plan, which make it hard to determine if my program have passed. I also added more test to improve my test plan and to test more feature of the requirement. If I were to write a test plan next time I will make sure I have consider all aspect of the project before doing so.