Coding Standards are Easy

24 Sep 2020

Coding Standards seems Annoying

When you first learn about coding standards, you probably think that it is annoying and boring. Why must I put a space between the operators? Why do I have to insert a new line between this and that? More annoyingly different professor and different languages might require you to use a different coding standards, meaning you might have to adapt to a different coding standards each time you are learning a new language. You would have to remember a bunch of different rules and requirements. This could quickly get confusing and out of hand, right?

Working in a Group

While coding standards might just seem annoy and trivial at first, but after working with others you will definitely change your mind. Different people think and solve problems differently, and so is their coding style. When you are working with someone else, you might see lines of code where you personally wouldn’t expect them, which could cause confusion. With coding standards, everyone who is working on the project together has a standardized way or writing and reading code. Which allows users to quickly identify and solve problems that might arose through out the project

Working in a Alone

Coding standards also cleans up a lot of the visual clutter, which makes reading through codes much less cumbersome, allowing you to quickly identify find bugs and errors. Different languages might also has a different syntax, and so a single coding standard might not be suitable for all language. Depending on what you are working on, certain terms or keywords shouldn’t be used for security reasons. So a well designed coding standard does not only make your code easier to read, it also reinforces good coding habits,

Coding Standards are Easy

Most modern IDE or code editor already have simple coding standards build in to help users maintain a basic readable codes. Users could also import and export coding standards settings to quickly share coding standards to a large group of people, just like what we did with eslint. IDE such as Atom and intellij, tells the users exactly what they need to change to fit the coding standards, and sometime it even has an option to fix it for the user with just a click of a button. Maintain coding standard on modern IDE is easy!